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Sustaining the Environment in Communities We Serve

At Sparklight, we recognize that our future is interrelated with those around us. As a result, our environmental stewardship begins where we live and work. We are committed to adopting sustainable business practices that help preserve our planet's natural resources and ensure the health and safety of our associates, customers, and communities.

tree being planted

The Electronic Waste Cycle: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Sparklight is committed to reducing waste generated by our business. Because we own much of the customer premise equipment, we enhance the sustainability of our operations through reusing and recycling.

  • Returned equipment in working order is refurbished and redeployed for reuse.
  • When this equipment has reached the end of its lifecycle with us, we work with brokers who resell it to network operators.
  • When equipment is beyond repair, we may harvest it for usable parts before sending it off to be responsibly recycled.

We follow a similar process with our office equipment. We find new homes for usable equipment and ethically recycle non-usable equipment.

We are committed to effectively managing our resources, achieving cost efficiencies, and fostering sustainability.

arbord day foundation logo
Arbor Day Foundation
As part of our commitment to reducing paper usage throughout the company, we encourage our customers to adopt paperless billing. Through our partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, we plant trees on behalf of customers who switch to paperless billing.

Thanks to the thousands of customers who have switched to paperless billing, donations from Sparklight have helped plant 110,000 trees. Over their lifetime, these trees can absorb 8,000 tons of carbon—that’s like taking 6,000 cars off the road for a year!
forest forest

Reducing Energy Usage Helps Lower Carbon Footprint

We believe it is vital to balance achieving financial objectives and sustainability commitments. While our use of fossil fuels is not material to the company's financial results, we continually seek to achieve greater energy efficiency.


Each year, we replace many of our vehicles with more environmentally friendly ones.


We’ve made several updates to our corporate office to reduce energy use and costs. We also added ten electric car charging stations to encourage the use of low-emission cars.


We share the positive impact of reducing one's carbon footprint with our associates, and many choose to contribute with their own commitments.


Through shared efforts, significant improvements continue in increasing the energy efficiency of the devices our customers use.


Our broadband network has enabled many people to work, learn, and stay connected from home—helping contribute to carbon footprint mitigation.