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Cable Service Guard



Sparklight® is a dba ("doing business as") alias of Cable One, Inc. (NYSE:CABO). In this document, "Cable One" means Cable One, Inc. and "Sparklight" means Sparklight® and includes any Cable One or Sparklight affiliate or subsidiary authorized to provide you with services. Specifically, Cable One affiliates or subsidiaries include Cable One VoIP LLC.

Sparklight offers a Wire Maintenance Program to its customers. This program, Service Guard, covers service visits by Sparklight technicians to customer's homes to resolve problems with wiring and equipment connections. Service Guard is complimentary to Sparklight's Elite Customers and is available to all other customers for $5.00/month. Subscription to Service Guard is completely voluntary.

Sparklight imposes a charge of $45 on each visit by a Sparklight technician in which the fault is found to be the customer's equipment or use of equipment, or with the customer-owned inside wiring. As always, there will be no charge to the customer should the fault be found with Sparklight's equipment or wiring.



Sparklight's Cable Service Guard Plan (The Plan) is an optional monthly inside wiring maintenance plan. Your inside wiring consists of voice (Phone) and data lines (Internet) which run from the main connection or Demarcation Point outside your home to an end device such as a computer or telephone. Also included in The Plan is all customer education issues relating to the use of Sparklight equipment.



Subject to the terms and conditions described below, The Plan covers repairs, not installation, of inside wiring and all customer education related to the use of Sparklight equipment. Sparklight will identify problems with and repair the inside wire in your home and make necessary repairs to cable lines actively used to deliver video, Internet or phone services. As long as you continue to subscribe to and be eligible for The Plan by paying the Cable Service Guard charge on your monthly bill you will not have to pay the then-current charge for such maintenance and repair. Certain situations do not fall within the coverage of The Plan. Those exceptions are as follows:


  • Repairs to wiring not professionally installed by a certified installer or that has been modified in such a way that it does not meet accepted industry standards or other applicable codes.
  • Rewiring after the building is destroyed by fire, flood, earthquake, other catastrophe, or acts of God.
  • New installations requiring new outlets or jacks.
  • Damage to the inside wire caused by intentional acts and/or resulting directly or indirectly from alterations to the original installation.
  • Repair of electrical wiring carrying sufficient power to require a licensed electrician to repair.
  • Cable or wiring that runs between or among separate buildings or dwelling units, in a multi-tenant property.
  • Home security system wiring and associated equipment unless home security service is being provided by Sparklight.
  • Any customer-owned equipment, such as a TV, DVD player, surround sound, faxes, scanners, game systems, computers, printers, external devices, telephones, etc.
  • Damage due to abuse or modifications by customer to the installation.
  • Any wiring from Sparklight's distribution to the in-unit point of termination or wall plate in a multiple dwelling unit, such as an apartment, condominium or other group facility. It can also be described as the wiring inside the wall of the dwelling unit.


The Plan is optional and covers most inside cable wire-related service calls, pursuant to the Plan's terms, for as long as the customer subscribes to the Plan. The Plan may be canceled at any time; however, if the Plan is canceled within 60 days of a service call, the customer will be charged the full rate for that service call. The Plan does not cover initial installation or installation of primary or additional Internet or cable outlets or telephone jacks or the move or reconfiguration of existing Internet or cable outlets and telephone jacks. Additional fees may apply for work performed that is not covered by this Plan. The Plan is effective the day the customer orders the Plan. Charges for the Plan may change at any time with at least 30-day prior written notice. The Plan does not cover the repair of wire concealed within a wall. If the repair is not covered under the Plan, the customer may: 1) make the repair themselves, 2) hire an outside contractor, or 3) have Sparklight perform the repair at its standard billing rate and in accordance to industry installation standards if that service is typically performed by Sparklight. The Plan does not cover rewiring after a home is destroyed or damaged by fire, flood, earthquake, acts of nature, vandalism, gross negligence or willful damage. Sparklight customers residing in multiple dwelling units, such as apartments, condominium or other group facility, please note that under the laws of some states or applicable agreements, landlords and not tenants, may be responsible for repair to and maintenance of some or all inside wiring. The customer must contact their landlord or building manager to determine responsibility. Except as expressly set forth herein, or where prohibited by applicable law, Sparklight shall not be liable for any damages (including indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages of any kind) arising from services performed under this agreement. Sparklight makes no warranties, express or implied, under this agreement and including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Charges for the Plan can change at any time with at least 30-day prior written notice. Changes to the Terms and Conditions can change at any time. Restrictions apply.