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Sparklight Outage Check

Enter your service address to see if it is experiencing an outage.

Note: If you have joined Sparklight from CableAmerica, Fidelity, Hargray or ValuNet, please be aware that select Sparklight tools may not yet be fully integrated for your account. We apologize for the inconvenience and assure you we are working diligently to continuously update our systems in order to provide you with the best experience possible. For all account or service information, please contact our customer support team at 877-692-2253. Thank you for your understanding.

Please enter a valid address
Please enter a valid apartment number with no special characters
Please enter a valid zip code
Something went wrong. Please try again later or try a different address.
We found multiple matches for your address. Which one is correct?
Use the address you typed?
Please make an apartment selection before continuing
Something went wrong. Please try again later or try a different address.

An outage is affecting service at your address.

Some Sparklight services may be currently unavailable. We are working to restore service as soon as possible. Service is estimated to be restored by

For updates, please sign up for outage notifications.

No outages were found at your address.

Troubleshooting steps to try and reconnect:

Reboot modem & Wi-Fi router

Verify other devices are connected

Log in & check account status

Residential Sparklight customers:

Visit our support site or call Sparklight Support for further assistance at 877-692-2253

Business Sparklight customers:

Visit our business support site or call Sparklight Business Support for further assistance at 877-570-0500

You have entered an address that does not currently have Sparklight service or is not valid. Please be sure that you have the correct service provider or update the address.
Note: The outage map is not yet available for customers who have joined Sparklight from CableAmerica, Fidelity, Hargray or ValuNet. For outage information, please contact our customer support team at 877-692-2253.

Download And Simplify Your Internet Today With MySparklight

Designed for effortless navigation, our app ensures you're always connected and in control.

Pay Your Bill Instantly: Secure and hassle-free payments at your fingertips.
Stay Informed: Real-time service outage alerts keep you updated.
Automated Troubleshooting: Quick solutions for common issues, no tech support needed.
A cell phone displaying the Sparklight mobile app
A cell phone displaying the Sparklight mobile app